Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Holiday Travel

I wonder who the lucky person is who will guess the number of fatalities for a holiday time period. Not really all that lucky, wouldn't you agree?
Driving during a holiday period can be stressful enough, without the added misery of an accident.
The best way to avoid an accident during this time is to drive as little as possible. That means, plan your trips, consolidate them, share rides, arrange for home delivery.
If you are traveling, leave early, even doing this, you will not arrive very early, coz so much will slow you down. Traffic, longer lines at the gas pumps, banks, grocery stores, etc. Share the driving.
There are and always will be road hogs.. in a great big hurry, try to avoid them.. keep to the right and stay cool.
Now is not the time to rant about bad drivers. They are there every day, so you have plenty of opportunities. Make up your mind, before you drive, that you will 'be cool'.
A good audio book can make all those annoying drivers seem inconsequential.
take care, have a safe week

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