Monday, November 12, 2007


It sounds like a no brainer, if you can go, you go! Not always so though. It is hard to judge distance no matter how much driving experience we have. It is just one of those things that some people do better than others. That being the case, it is very important to know your own abilities. The green mile markers along side highways can help you somewhat, although not so much on curvy roads. (You wouldn't be passing anyone in a curve anyway...would you?) Until you have tried several times in a 'practice' mode, it would be best to avoid passing if you can. To practice, simply encounter a situation in which you might pass a vehicle.. but don't do it. Decide, based on your best judgement, if you could safely pass this vehicle. Then count to, maybe 15. Where is the oncoming traffic? Have you already met another vehicle, or are they still a decent distance from the vehicle you might have passed? Doing this a few times may seem silly, but if it makes a difference out there, who cares?
Take care, more on passing to come...

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