Monday, November 5, 2007

The Fog

Zero visibility fog is the pits for drivers. Have you ever been in zero visibility? It is all at once-creepy, terrifying, and disorienting. Of course the best and most obvious thing to do is slow down immediately. If you can get off of the road safely, do that too. If you are moving slowly, at less than the minimum speed, please stay to the right at all times. There are some drivers who will drive fast in any conditions, and often as not, they cause the most fog related accidents. If you can see the taillights of the vehicle ahead of you, great, but don't assume the driver knows what he/she is doing! Keep a safe distance between you.
Question: You are driving in heavy fog, you wish to pull over onto the shoulder of the road for whatever reason. You pull as far as you safely can onto the shoulder(good for you!). Would you leave your parking lights on or off? Think about this one before reading on.

The answer is.. off!! In fog, that disorientation I mentioned can trick you into believing that is a Moving vehicle, not a parked one. Before you know it.. you could be in a life threatening situation, if not a terrible accident. Check this tip in your state's driving manual for confirmation. That is where I found it! (Georgia)

have a great week, commute safely!

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